
Our slogan: bring light into your life

A down-to-earth,practical and in-depth approach to Zen practice.That is Zen Centre Eindhoven. Our logo, a lotus flower, reflects this perfectly: feet in the mud, head in the air. Participate in one of the activities in our program and experience it for yourself.

Introduction courses

On Wednesday evening November 6th at 20hrs the next introduction course will start!

The introduction courses offer a great way to become acquainted with Zen meditation.
Topics covered include: physical posture and mental attitude during meditation, the role of breathing, attention (mindfulness), core Buddhist concepts, rituals and the structure of the ongoing groups.
In brief, the introduction course provides you with a firm foundation in meditation in order to continue further with it either independently or in a group. You can subscribe below.

Advanced group

Each Thursday evening we come together, from 20.00-21.45 hrs to meditate and talk about integrating zen into our daily life. If you have previous experience in (zen)meditation you are most welcome to join us. You can subscribe below and we’ll send you additional information.

What is zen

In answer to this question, there are 3 kinds of answer which can be given.
The first answer relates to history. In this context Zen is an abbreviation of Zen Buddhism: the Buddhist school which has its origins in China and Japan.
The second answer relates to practice. In this context Zen is the abbreviation of Zazen: sitting meditation. This is central to what we ‘’do’’ in the group sessions.
Finally Zen is what the practice brings you, and also what the teachers at Zen Centre Eindhoven place the accent on: the readiness to open yourself to life just as it is. Exploring and accepting who you are, what you are, what your life is.

Subscribe here

..to start with one of our courses!

    My name

    My email

    I subscribe for:

    beginnerscourse, start Wednesday evening 6th November 2024

    Advanced group, Thursday evening 20.00-21.45 hrs

    Unfortunately I can't make it this time. Keep me posted:

    Advanced group: continuous participation on Thursday evening from 20.00-21.45 hrs. You can join us anytime. Fee is 49 euros (35 for Students and people with low income) each month. Mail the teacher for further information.


    I had been to so many other meditation classes, tried doing myself and getting help online. Nothing helped me like this class did. In short, I can see that my life has changed. Not in terms of my work and my career yet, but me as a person, I have evolved in my brain and I can feel that. Before I joined this class, I was going through very complex thoughts not being able to answer so many questions, not being able to free myself from some self sabotaging emotions and memories. I was struggling to be mindful and present. I was unable to accept myself with all my flaws and just being comfortable in my skin. This class has helped me in finding my true self. Thank you very much!                                   J.J.